The Aims of the Patient Participation Group
We would like to know how we can improve our service to you and how you perceive our surgery and staff.
To help us with this we have now set up “Friends of Leven & Beeford Medical Practice” patient participation group so that you can have your say. We will ask the members of this representative group questions from time to time, such as what you think about our opening times or the quality of the care or service you received. We will contact you via email and also invite you to meetings to help us in understanding any areas where we may need to improve or any areas in which you think we are particularly good at.
We aim to gather around 20 patients from as broad a spectrum as possible to get a truly representative sample. We need young people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.
To join our Patient Participation Group, please complete the Terms of Reference form below and email to
Our next meeting is – Wednesday 5th March 2025 1pm, Leven Surgery
PPG report July 15-June 16.pdf
Minutes of PPG meeting 23.7.2015.pdf
Minutes of meeting 2.9.2015.pdf
Minutes of meeting 21.10.15.pdf
Minutes of PPG meeting 16.12.2015.pdf
Patient Participation Group Minutes 10.2.2016.pdf
Minutes of meeting 23.3.2016.pdf
Patient Participation Group Minutes 18th May 2016.pdf
Patient Participation Group Minutes 10.8.16.pdf
PPG Minutes 1st February 2017.pdf
PPG Minutes 21st June 2017.pdf
PPG Minutes 9th August 2017.pdf
PPG Minutes 20th September 2017.pdf
PPG Minutes 8th November 2017.pdf
PPG Minutes 20th December 2017.pdf
PPG Minutes 31st January 2018.pdf
PPG Minutes 21st March 2018.pdf
PPG Minutes 15th August 2018.pdf
PPG Minutes 3rd October 2018.pdf
PPG Minutes 28th November 2018.pdf
PPG Minutes 16th January 2019.pdf
PPG Minutes 6th March 2019.pdf
PPG Minutes 19th June 2019.pdf
PPG Minutes 4th September 2019.pdf
PPG Minutes 4th December 2019.pdf
PPG Minutes 5th February 2020.pdf
PPG Minutes 9th September 2020.pdf
PPG Minutes 4th November 2020.pdf
PPG Minutes 7th September 2022.pdf
PPG MINUTES 9th August 2023.pdf
PPG MINUTES 20th September 2023.pdf
PPG MINUTES 22nd November 2023.pdf
PPG MINUTES 24th January 2024.pdf
PPG MINUTES 20th March 2024.pdf
PPG MINUTES 26th June 2024.pdf
PPG MINUTES 7th August 2024.pdf
PPG MINUTES 15th January 2025.pdf